Recovery for UK automotive sector

UK automotive output has recovered to pre-recession levels, according to a report released today by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT).

The SMMT’s 12th Annual Sustainability Report showed that manufacturing turnover in 2010 was up 20 per cent year-on-year to £49 billion, while output was up 27.8 per cent—a return to pre-recession volumes.

The number of vehicles exported rose by 31 per cent, totalling £29 billion in value.

The industry also made some great environmental strides: energy use per vehicle produced was down eight per cent, while manufacturing CO2 was down 10.5 per cent per vehicle produced. Manufacturing waste to landfill was also reduced, by eight per cent.

Commenting on the report, Paul Everitt, the SMMT’s chief executive, said: “We are making significant steps towards creating a globally competitive UK automotive sector, while keeping an eye on improving our environmental credentials to ensure a strong, long-term future for the industry. Manufacturing is vital to a rebalanced economy and cleaner, greener processes will support the transition to a low carbon future.

“Automotive continues to attract major international investment, create high value jobs and cut its environmental impact but the UK must continue to compete on a global platform to secure future growth. We must incentivise private sector investment in R&D, training and equipment and ensure our commitment to be a leader in low carbon manufacturing supports our international competitiveness.”

The SMMT said that new technologies and ongoing developments in conventional engines are key to delivering a low carbon economy, with the UK’s strengths in R&D, design, engineering and productive manufacturing continuing to attract major international investment.